Sharing Bahá’u’lláh’s Message

Bahji flowers

Friday, January 9

To the Baha’i Friends in Cluster 19:

The 10-day expansion phase of the 14th cycle of our Intensive Program of Growth begins tomorrow. For the next 10 days we will be making extra efforts to share the Message of Baha’u’llah in a direct way with our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. And we will have collective door-to-door teaching projects on the weekends in Lakewood and Sumner. As part of this effort, we are hoping that all the Friends will join a collective prayer effort by saying the Prayer for the Western States every day. We will also be sending a prayer and a quote from the Writings to you every day during the expansion phase. Our hope is that each of us will say the prayer and focus on the quote each day, and that through this participation, our hearts will be united every day of the 10 days of expansion. Who can predict what the effect of this effort will be? Let’s find out!

With warmest Baha’i greetings,

Your Cluster 19 Core Team

(Area Teaching Committee, Cluster Institute Coordinator, Auxiliary Board Members)

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